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  4. Edit Licensing
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  4. Edit Licensing

Edit Licensing

To sync license with your WordPress site at first enable licensing for the plugin/theme as well as select license source. If enabled licensing at the time of creating the project then don’t need to do anything. If not then go to Settings page and select Your Site as hosted site of the plugin/theme. Select the plugin is used for billing. There are two option one is Easy Digital Downloads another one is WooCommerce.

To sync with EDD Software Licensing select Easy Digital Downloads as your billing plugin and EDD Software Licensing as license manager.

To sync with WooCommerce API Manager select WooCommerce as billing plugin and Woo API Manager as license manager.

To sync with WooCommerce Software Add-on select WooCommerce as billing plugin and Woo Software Add-on as license manager.

And finally, click on Update Settings button.

Licensing have been enabled for the Plugin/Theme

Connect the Plugin/Theme

To connect Plugin/Theme go to Integrations Page. On Connect Project With Store box select the store from the select field. Select the project from the store’s available projects. Map project variations if the Plugin/Theme has multiple variations.

And click on Update Connection

Well done, Plugin/Theme has been mapped with store’s Plugin/Theme.

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