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  4. Mailjet Integration

Mailjet Integration

Appsero has integration with Mailjet. This integration helps you with deactivation and activation analysis.

So, when you connect Mailjet with Appsero, whenever a plugin is active it will show a tag(the plugin name) in the slug.

That way you can find out the number of deactivation and activation of your plugin.

Let us see how you can integrate Mailjet with Appsero.

Connect Mailjet

You need to create an account with Mailjet first. It is quite easy. Create a Subscriber List there. Next, navigate to the Integrations tab of the Appsero dashboard.

Now, click on the Connect button beside the Mailjet title.

There will be a pop-up window where you need to put the name of the Secret and the API key that you will get from your Mailjet dashboard. Click on Connect to finish.

After a successful connection, you will see the message will show connected beside Mailjet.

Your Appsero is connected with Mailjet!

Connecting Plugin/Theme to Mailjet

Now to find the analytics of a plugin, you need to connect your plugin with Mailjet.

To do that, click on a plugin/theme. There you will find Integrations in the sidebar menu. Click on it. Then, click on Settings. In the window, you need to Enable Status and select a Subscriber List created on your Mailjet account.

Note: When activating your plugin if the user allows Appsero the insights of his/her plugins then the email address of that user will added to that list. If he/she deactivate your plugin then the tag will no longer be visible beside the username.

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